Sunday, August 31, 2014

Message from Disney Ride

Does everyone remember on the ride featuring Ellen DeGeneres the joke that she could pop up in your life?  She was being soft by pretending

(1) no one


(2) not anyone

deserves to meet a famous person in real life.  It was insinuated in the joke where she pops up in the back of your car and how she said it.

Normally, you'd go all into this.  I think it speaks for itself.  Let's just say she started with 1 and it's clearly Portia.  She seems to wanna meet other people badly.  I'm proud of her for maintaining a positive relationship with Portia.  She doesn't have to meet anyone.  However, my plan is to get famous and hoard a fanbase I interact with.  I mean, who wouldn't?  I can talk to them on Twitter or host a forum.  So, that insinuates only some celebs are too good to be true and to meet.  They are not really that alone.  LOL!